It Happens To The Best of Us.

What if I don’t make it? What if nobody wants me?

Victoria Nwachukwu
Write A Catalyst
3 min readSep 20, 2024


Photo by Kostiantyn Li on Unsplash

Staying True In A World Full of Copies

After choosing a creative path to ploy, the feelings that follow can be daunting when reality starts to set in. Although we start off confident, high on faith, we soon realize that it would take more than confidence to make dreams come true.

To devote oneself to any path takes an immeasurable courage, yet even more is required to stay true to oneself while answering destiny’s call.

As easy as it ought to be to be ourselves, it is surprisingly the hardest thing for nearly all of us, especially when we first start out.

Moments spent trying to hush distracting voices from the outside world is nothing compared to time spent conquering ourselves.

In the movie Temptation Confession of a Marriage Counselor by Tyler Perry, the lead actress, Judith said:

We become a lot of people before finally settling into who we are.

I couldn’t agree more.

The Predecessors Don’t Precede The Call

It is the result of living in a society where there is an order of things. It is the product of a world where predecessors exist. This is not a jab at those who have come before us. Anyone determined to live a worthwhile life hopes to make a good predecessor someday.

A reference point of some sort in their chosen fields. But here’s where the rubber hits the road; what happens when the things in our hearts have no precedence?

There is the temptation to do it the way the bigwigs of our day did or are doing it. Leading us to lose our unique expressions and authenticity. We end up becoming photocopies, duplicates even of other people already on the scene. Leaving our originality locked away in the shadows. Shortchanging the world that awaits us.

Your Audience Will Find You

You will find your audience. Those before whom you can freely be. A crowd that gets you. A crowd that can match your weirdness.

We often say that you will find your audience, but for the purpose of this article, permit me to say your audience will find you.

We seldom realize that there are people out there surfing the internet page by page in quest of someone who gets them. Someone who can match their craziness and make them feel less insane.

Even down here on Medium, how else would I have found the amazing @TFO who had me nearly highlighting her entire article? How else would I have connected with a beautiful mind like tobi — Audio Writer audio writer who gets me using Medium like a social media platform?

Be You, Do You

The road that makes counterfeits is often the easiest route because it’s been traveled too many times. Though we might be content with the security it provides, true fulfillment is on the path least traveled.

Sometimes people don’t even know what they want until it’s staring them in the face. Be you, and do you.



Victoria Nwachukwu
Write A Catalyst

I am a creative writer, songwriter, and singer. I capture the in-betweens of life in words and say the things too heavy for the lips with my pen.