It Is Okay To Do Things The Hard Way

Tanisha Tiwari
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2024


Source: Pinterest

There are two types of people: The one who does the smart work and The one who does the same work in the hard way!

And both of these people are right, no matter what other people say.

I have been the one who likes it doing the hard way, it somehow satisfies me.

And I know it is okay to do it the hard way.

I will tell you a story.

When I was new to writing, I thought I would do multiple courses, read many books and maybe I would excel in writing.

I did certifications from different colleges, from literature degrees to multiple classes in a few days.

I learned how to write articles and blogs, did freelance, did ghostwriting, and wrote for multiple publications. When I was into journalism, I interviewed many people because I knew knowing people was the main source of gaining knowledge, and if you do not know that yet, interviewing different people helps much with your writing.

That was not it!

I chose the hard way and sent multiple proposals to many book publishers, got in contact with several editors, made contacts in the writing industry, attended writing seminars and webinars, and learned how to craft a whole freaking book.

I did it all alone, without asking someone– without knowing who was the right person I should go to. I would not say I was satisfied with how the book turned out to be but I still take it as an achievement after the infamous Bollywood director appreciated it, not because he is into Bollywood but because I respect his opinions. When my book was published, I had no idea how to market it. I spend some money or to say, I wasted some money with the wrong people, a friend of mine to be counted into that.

But the point is, all of those things have now carved a path for me to exceed what I will do next.

I now know when I will publish my second book, whom should I go to, what should be the marketing strategies, what PR strategies I would need and how to take it forward.

I had a choice to take shortcuts, to just publish it on Amazon. I would be called an author then. But I wanted more and I am still okay to do the hard work.

I know shortcuts are easy but I also know hard ways are worthy.

So, the next time you think about doing something the smart way, think about the failures you will be dealing with while doing it the hard way and saving those failures as the leading ladder to a more sustainable way.



Tanisha Tiwari
Write A Catalyst

Content Manager For The Government Of India, Author, and Everything I Would Want To Call Myself