It’s a Joke: I Can’t Believe it’s Synchronicity.

Synchronicity is the bridge between the visible and the invisible and the universe’s way of whispering to us." — Bright Dei

Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst
4 min readJun 6, 2024


Everything is connected, is a metaphysical fact but at times certain things happens and it seems to be out of this world. You seem to think about it and still don’t understand why such things happened. But as the saying goes “everything happens for a reason”. If this is true, then since we are in the era of story telling, I think I have a piece to share.

This piece sets the theme of how names have impact on us and how some of my friends call me by names at the subconscious level.

This morning I decided to continue drafting my article on Freemasonry. After sometime, I decided to go out to get some water, you know here in Ghana, we buy water from stores to keep in our refrigerators. So when I was coming back to my room, I met a friend who had come to my hood. So in the little conversation that we had, he called me by the name Bosommuru.

A lady friend of mine who is a soulmate at one day looked straight into my eyes and started calling me Emperor, King. This same friend my name Osman Ramatu, at a point in time called me the SunGod. Why because, it was one sunny Sunday when I was flirting with her and I told her that Sunday is my day because I am a Sunday born. She stared at me and quietly called me Sungod. Like I was shocked. So I kept my cool and left.

A friend of mine who also called me King of Kings when I was having a WhatsApp conversation also took me by surprise.

Screenshot from WhatsApp conversation with a friend Rennel.

An old lady who I have not asked of the name told me I resembled someone she knew by name Thunder. Since then, she calls me by the name Thunder.

Currently in my neighborhood, my neighbors call me Budha.

Talking a little about the Bosommuru is one of the different Ntoro in the Akan culture. The Akan people believe that the father’s 12 Ntoro are inherited deities who guide and protect their 12 clans. These Ntoros do not die with the father but are passed down to the child’s children or nephews and nieces. The Ntoro, along with Sunsum (ego) and Kra ( life force), explains how one interacts in the world.

The twelve different Ntoro are:

1) Bosompra (The Tough/Strong/firm).

2) Bosomtwe (The Human/Kind/empathetic).

3) Bosomakɔm (The Fanatic).

4) Bosompo/Bosomnketia (The Brave/proud/courageous).

5) Bosommuru (The Respectable/distinguished).

6) Bosomkonsi (The Virtuoso).

7) Bosomdwerɛbe (The Eccentric/Jittery).

8) Bosomayensu (The Truculent).

9) Bosomsika (The Fastidious).

10) Bosomkrete (The Chivalrous)

11) Bosomafram (The Liberal/Kind/empathetic).

12) Bosomafi (The Chaste).

Screenshot from X Post by Kofi Jamar. Title given based on Ntoro.

Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of Ghana was given the title Bosompra from the Bosompra Ntoro.

John Agyekum Kuffour, Ex- President of Ghana was given the title Bosompem and finally Kofi Annan, UN General Secretary, Bosommuru by Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

It is no coincidence that I am from the Bosommuru Ntoro.

These are names people have given or imposed on me. I never told anybody they should call me by those names but they do.

What I want us to look at is why do this people call me by these names without me calling out the names to them. We know in the universe everything is connected and if something might happen, it might do so for a reason because the universe works on purpose.

Everything is undoubtedly energy and the world as we know is a reflection of our internal dialogue. Not wasting much time I will provide my astrological details to buttress the subtitle.

Astrological Details for Dei Kwasi Bright.

Astrological Details for Dei Kwasi Bright.

Notwithstanding this fact, recently one of the African Spiritual Platform name Revelations by Gerome TV also hosted a program claiming Jesus to be a Ghanaian from Dormaa.

Screenshot from You Tube. Revelations l Gerome TV.

We talk of energy and how our thoughts are able to manifest our reality.

So, I want to ask the question, is it a joke or manifestation of the invisible to the visible.



Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst

Biochemist, Metaphysicsian, Ancient Spiritual Knowledge And Alchemy. Self development. Human evolution. Consciousness. Mysticism and Psychic.