Legacy of Sacrifice

ZA Writes
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2024

In quiet strength, he stands, my father dear,
A pillar firm against the winds of strife.
Each day he toils, each night he sheds a tear,
A symphony of sacrifice in life.

With calloused hands, he tills the earth with care,
Sowing seeds of love in furrows deep.
His sacrifice, a silent, steadfast prayer,
For the ones he loves, he’ll gladly lose sleep.

In every sacrifice, a tale untold,
Of dreams deferred and hopes he sets aside.
For every step he takes, a heart of gold,
His love for us, a river deep and wide.

He gives his all, without a thought of gain,
His love a beacon in the darkest night.
Through trials fierce, his spirit will remain,
A guiding star, forever burning bright.

Oh, father mine, your sacrifices true,
Are woven in the fabric of my soul.
I’ll cherish every moment spent with you,
And in your footsteps, may I find my role.

For all you’ve given, and all you’ve done,
I offer up my heartfelt gratitude.
Your sacrifices, like the morning sun,
Illuminate my path with fortitude.

So here’s to you, my father, strong and brave,
Your sacrifices form a lasting bond.
In every hardship, every tear you gave,
Your love shines through, eternal and beyond.

Thank you for reading!



ZA Writes
Write A Catalyst

Creative writer upon social, scientific, economic and historical chapters