Less than 30 Views, $0.19 Earnings to 1,000s of Views & 100s of Dollars

Why You Should Keep Writing Even If Nobody Cares

Write A Catalyst


There is hidden power in being ignored and not making anything when you first start so stick around and find out!

Photo by arash payam on Unsplash

I have been publishing at least one article every single day since November, the month that I rejoined Medium after an over-year-long hiatus.

Nothing happened for weeks, I mean, nada.

In November, my total reads and earnings were:

Reads: 29

Earnings: $0.19

By Christmas, I had published over 60 articles but my reads and earnings ratio were still the same.

A bit sad but yet I was glad to have made something because the $0.19 showed me that it is possible to make money just by practicing writing in public.

I knew I wouldn’t get traction for at least 6 months to a year… Even Medium legends like Eve Arnold and Alex Mathers were ignored during their first year on Medium.

Few are like Bin Jiang or Carl Jeffers who hit a full-time income in less than 3 months.



Write A Catalyst

AP, licensed financial professional, polyglot. Let's connect to see how I can help: https://linktr.ee/deryasefer