Life in a song

Lilian Ani-Asamani
Write A Catalyst
Published in
Jun 19, 2024

If I were to describe where I am in life in a song this would be the lyrics.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Laying in bed in search of the will to live

In search of strength to pray for strength

Is this what it means to be plagued with depression

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

There is no more excitement in my eyes

Don’t get me wrong I am surviving

I am making it through each day

I’m taking it one step at a time

Cause I owe it to myself to not give up

People have invested too much for me to just give up

Giving up is not an option



Lilian Ani-Asamani
Write A Catalyst

A girl trying to bring some light into this world with enlightening and humorous stories.