Life-ing Sounds Better Than Aging

Loving the mystery of it all

Darlene López
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Libe

And just like that, I’m thirty-five.

Life-ing, compared to “aging,” has a way of reminding me how much it has loved me. It’s given me so much — a loving fiancé, a healthy, happy son, and a beautiful home. A long list of things to be grateful for…

And an abundance of love throughout my life. Who knows what surprises are waiting around the corner?

I don’t need to know what’s next, because faith has shown me that life is magical, and each day is a gift. A blessing.

Aging is such a funny thing, especially when you don’t actually feel your age.

I remember being younger and hearing family members who were the age I am now complaining about how old they felt — saying it’s all downhill from here, that life isn’t the same anymore.

Honestly, it was kind of depressing. I remember thinking, I definitely don’t want to sound like that when I’m that age.

The older I get, the less I relate to that mindset.

Aging is one thing we can’t change, so why focus on it so negatively?

I’ve often wondered if talking about it in such a gloomy way is why some people feel so miserable about getting older. Words are powerful, and the more you…

