Majestic Kinship: How to Discover Your Monarchical Identity in Family Relationships".

Revealing Family Secrets (Knowing Your Emperor: Empress status).

Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst
9 min readApr 30, 2024


Everybody wants to be a king. Everybody want to be called an Emperor. Everybody wants to be called Empress, so they say. But being a king is just more than wearing a crown. Being a king means passing through the treacherous realms of dreams and nightmares where the line between royalty is blurred with every step and that one man who dares to chase the elusive throne is faced with dark forces ready to consume him. This is the price for being a king.

In the golden past, the royals of Africans were called Emperor’s, Empresses, Kings, Queens, High Priests and Priestesses. One of such example is the Queen Amina of Zaria- Nigeria.

Manda Musa of Mali and Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia are notable people who took on the Emperor’s position in Africa.

But we as humans, once we are born into a family, we begin to find our life purpose as we age. Life purpose always spells out what a human being or a person is to accomplish or offer to the service of fellow human beings. And for this reason, many people have reincarnated on Earth with the Kingship role to help humanity in it’s evolution and revolution towards higher consciousness.

Knowing your purpose in life is a sure way of approaching success and succeeding in life. Many people, as I write right now are stuck in their lives as to what is their life purpose and reasons for their incarnation. This brings us to the question of how do I know I am a king, queen, emperor or empress in my family or whether you have been born to serve as leadership role in your family.

How Does One Determine the Life Purpose?

Knowing the reasons we are born into this planet called earth is no way an easy task. From Mediation to personal development and self improvement, you can name all the self help books online.

But what do we as Africans believe in. The African man born of the African spirit believes in what we call Divination.

In an article written by Philip M. Peek on Religion in Africa and the Diaspora, he maintains that Divination is an incredibly rich area for anthropological research—in fact, I would argue that there is no richer ethnography of a culture than the study of its divination system.

In order to live a good life, most African societies believe that people need to have healthy relationships with other beings, including their spirit doubles.

This is considerably more crucial for diviners. It is common to use the term "twinning" to describe the unique rapport that is required between a diviner and a spirit, as well as between a diviner and a client. In twinning, the diviner and the spirit form a bond similar to that of twins.

Based on her studies with the Côte d’Ivoire Djimini Senufo, Ellen Suthers provides the following analysis:
Sharing the same womb experience, twins become endowed with, or constituted of, the same perceptions; hence they emerge in the world having congruent images. Because they share perfect knowledge and perceptions of each other and of the spirit realm, twins do not need speech to communicate with each other or with the host of spiritual entities. … As pairing makes the client congruent with the diviner and the diviner congruent with the spirits, all come to share a common perception. Through gestures, the diviner transforms his or her body to reflect the image of the client, and thus to reveal the client’s problem in concrete terms.

We all want to be the kings and queens in our lives in order to live a good life. Finding your life purpose and knowing what you’re here to do is a sense of peace and something imperative.

How to Discover Your Monarchical Identity.

Regardless of your identity or place of residence, you have undoubtedly experienced some degree of volatility in your life. Furthermore, we automatically look for sources of help when things feel unclear.

It’s tarot cards or astrology for some of us. Others need counseling. As they say, YMMV, but have you given numerology any thought?

Gematria is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers.

Screenshot from You Tube l News 360 l Akans are Hebrews.

This method was created by Kabbalists (Jewish mystics), who took inspiration from Greek philosophy and used it to understand scripture.

Every Hebrew letter has a numerical counterpart in gematria (e.g., aleph = 1, bet = 2, etc.).

Screenshot by Author l The Secret Science of Numerology and The Hidden Meaning of Numbers And Letters by Stanley Blackwell Lawrence, Msc D.

The numerical value of a word can then be determined by adding the values of all of its letters. Commentators in the field of biblical interpretation rest their case on the word’s numerological equivalency.

A commentator may make a relationship between two words and the verses in which they appear if their numerical values are equal and use this to support more general conceptual conclusions.

But gematria is fundamental to the Jewish spiritual tradition known as Kabbalah.

The core tenet of the kabbalistic cosmology is the conviction that God used the power of the Hebrew letters and their numerical values to create the universe.

In fact, the numerous names of God and their combinations found in Kabbalah are thought to have powerful numerical meanings.
What Is Your Life-Path Number?
No matter who you are or where you live, you’ve probably faced some amount of instability in your life. And when things feel uncertain, we naturally seek out forms of guidance. For some of us, it’s astrology or tarot cards. For others, therapy. YMMV, as they say, but have you considered numerology?

Numerology is the art of giving significance to (mainly) single-digit numbers and deriving meanings about your life, personality, and destiny from these meanings and a few easy computations.

Although it may sound scary, writer Rebecca Scolnick—a witch and the author of The Witch’s Book of Numbers: Enhance Your Magic With Numerology—argues that it’s actually quite the contrary.

Upon encountering numerology, she says, “I saw numbers and immediately went, ‘Math? No, that’s not me.’

I think quite a lot of people have the same experience. I found that actually once I started to get to know the numbers and to work with them, it was one of the more straightforward modalities because it is quite practical. We use numbers in our everyday lives.”

Numerology computations are always performed by adding the single digits of a numerical value, which in this case is your entire birthdate.

Numerology, like astrology, asserts that your birthday reveals something fundamental about your nature. Numerology, like astrology, is based on multiple numbers that determine several facets of your existence.

Numerological Computation.

Write out your birthday in digits and then add them all up. For example, if your birthday is November 2, 1998, or 11/2/1998, you would add 1+1+2+1+9+9+8 = 31. Then keep adding until you get a single digit: In this case, 3+1 = 4 life-path number of 4.

Using the Tarot Deck.

Using number Four as the reference point, the number four represents the Emperor in the Tarot Reading of Divination.

Who is the Emperor in Tarot Reading?

According to, the Emperor (IV) is the fourth trump or Major Arcana card in traditional tarot decks. It is used in game playing as well as in divination.

The Emperor symbolizes the top of the secular hierarchy, the ultimate male ego. The Emperor is the absolute ruler of the world.

In Astrology, the Emperor is associated with the masculine, cardinal-fire sign of Aries, the domicile sign of Mars which is symbolized by the ram.

Who is the Empress I Tarot Readings.

The Empress is the third Major arcana card in the Tarot Deck. The Empress card is the card that carries the feminine energy.

According to tarot expert Kim Krans, who created The Wild Unknown Tarot, the Empress exudes a sense of mysterious power and magnetism. It’s akin to a life force, particularly associated with the divine feminine energy that permeates nature.

When the Empress card appears in a reading related to your career or financial situation, it signifies strength and sovereignty.

The Empress is portrayed as a revolutionary leader who isn’t afraid to dismantle existing systems and build new ones from the ground up.

Nature is her guide, offering lessons in sustaining without resentment or remorse.

So now let’s have a look at people in real life who have these Life Path Numbers.

Kim Jong- Un- North Korea.

North Korean politician Kim Jong-un, whose actual birthdate is January 8, 1984, ascended to the position of third Supreme Leader of North Korea in 2011 following the passing of his father, Kim Jong-il, the country’s second leader.

As the head of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea (KWP), Kim Jong-un also serves as the Supreme Commander of the North Korean military. Even while Kim has been given credit for a few good measures, he is nonetheless charged with violating human rights and violently suppressing political dissent.

Numerological Computation for Kim Jong- Un.

Date of Birth: 8th January, 1984.

8+1+1+9+8+4= 31, 3+1= 4.

The Fourth Major Arcana card is the Emperor.

Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah- Ghana.

According to news from, Kwame Nkrumah was born 21 September 1909 and died 27 April 1972. Nkrumah was a Ghanaian politician and revolutionary.

He was the first Prime Minister and President of Ghana, having led the Gold Coast to independence from Britain in 1957.

An influential advocate of pan-Africanism, Nkrumah was a founding member of the Organization of African Unity.

Numerological Computation for Kwame Nkrumah.

Date of Birth: 21st September, 1909.

2+1+9+1+9+0+9= 31, 3+1= 4

The Fourth Major Arcana card is the Emperor.

Jerry John Rawlings- Ghana.

According to, Jerry J. Rawlings was born in June 22, 1947, Accra, Ghana and died on November 12, 2020, Accra.

Jerry John Rawlings was a military and political leader in Ghana who twice (1979, 1981) overthrew the government and seized power. His second period of rule (1981–2001) afforded Ghana political stability and competent economic management.

Numerological Computation for J.J. Rawlings.

Date of Birth: 22nd June, 1947.

2+2+6+1+9+4+7=31, 3+1 = 4

The Fourth Major Arcana card is the Emperor.

In conclusion The life path number is one of the most regarded in numerology because it’s meant to reflect the individual’s purpose on Earth.

Screenshot from "The Secret Science of Numerology" Chapter 6: pg. 40.

About the Author.

Name: Dei Kwasi Bright.

Date of Birth: 8th April, 1990.

Birth Place: Dormaa- Ahenkro.

Region: Bono Region.

Country: Ghana.

Screenshot from.Authors Unpublished Book, The Return of the Gods. Astrological Details for the Author.

Anytime you’re stuck in life, just have in mind that your destiny and life purpose is hidden in your date of birth. Harness the Power of Numerology to ease your comfort on planet earth…

The Emperor: The Emperor symbolizes the top of the secular hierarchy, the ultimate male ego. The Emperor is the absolute ruler of the world.

The Empress: The Empress is the wife of the Emperor or a woman who is the sovereign or supreme monarch of an empire.

If it serves you right…

Screenshot From You Tube l African Spiritual Platform.

Thanks for Reading….



Dei Kwasi Bright
Write A Catalyst

Biochemist, Metaphysicsian, Ancient Spiritual Knowledge And Alchemy. Self development. Human evolution. Consciousness. Mysticism and Psychic.