Medium Claps: Could This Be A New ‘Rapture’ On Medium?

Claps apparently mysteriously disappeared

Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

From my end, it was SandraWrites that first did send the alert via her story: “Where Did My Claps Disappear? I Want Them Back, Now”.⬇️

How did stories’ claps disappear?

This is the question on many lips after observing similar scenario. I had to quickly rush see my stories.

At first, it looked like things were normal. That was for the earlier published stories. On further probings, however, I discovered that stories published after April 30th, were the most hit.

Something Familiar

This could be akin to recent disappearance of notable writers on the platform with its effects still much around. Could this therefore be another round of similar sweeping activities?

As it appears now, there are more questions than answers. We hope that somebody, somewhere without much delay should be able to feed Medians with the right piece(s) of information.

Accordingly, some Medium users have expressed fears if this could also be due to activities of the fifth columnists. That was after reading the quoted story. I have my doubts though.

Nevertheless, we should keep our fingers crossed as we anticipate the best and not the worst, in the next couple of days.

Until then, keep writing. Keep reading. Keep the faith and keep hope alive. For the best is always yet to come.

Never give up. Do not fret. Do not panic. “There is no need for control, everything is under alarm.” Hope you got the light-hearted drift.

Remember, all things would always work for good unto them that love …

Thanks for reading.

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“The impossible is often the untried.”😂

See my stories since May 1st, 2024.





Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."