Money and its importance.

You will know its value when you don’t have it.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJun 30, 2024


Many people say, "Money doesn’t matter." I have heard this sentence many times, but in my life I have faced many situations in which I needed money more than anything, and because of that, I have faced much discrimination and humiliation, and I have lost many opportunities. I wanted to ask the person who was telling me that money doesn’t matter. 
Then how important is the money? Can a person complete his dreams without money?

What is money?

For different people, money means different things to them, for example. For a poor person, money means many things, like more food. For rich people, money means status and means controlling their lifestyle. 
In this society, if you have money, you can buy many things. With money, you can live your life well. With money, you can fulfill many desires.

Money can’t buy everything.

This sentence is correct, but how correct is it? Let’s see.

With money, you can’t buy knowledge, but you can hire people with knowledge. With money, you can hire people to work for you.

With money, you can’t only increase your talent, but you can also hire talented people.

We can’t buy love or happiness, but we can do more things, explore, and have many things to distract us.
You will know it’s importance when someone with a higher income is getting more respect, or when you can’t, but the things your family needs, you will know it’s value when your child is asking for something but you don’t have money to buy it.

Can we achieve success without money?

Yes, many people have achieved their dreams without having so much money. And there are also people who have achieved success with their brains. There are so many people with money but no ideas. If you have skills, you can find people to invest in.

