Unleashing Wanderlust

Moving to Another City

The Charisma of Travelling.

Rubina Khush Jan
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

I had always imagined myself travelling around the globe and working simultaneously. Travelling has a certain charm, a novelty and a sense of adventure.

I grew up reading books about adventures and finding one true purpose in life. I was fascinated by the concept of finding what we are all destined for.

I was motivated by romanticising the idea of living on my own, fighting against all odds and winning at life. The irony is I also enjoyed following a comfortable routine.

I left my home city, moved to another city and rented out an apartment for a few years. The difficulties I handled gave me valuable lessons for life.

Although no matter how much you read to prepare yourself for adult life nothing truly prepares you. Nothing compares to the learning gained through actual experience.

Last year I decided to move countries. When I had planned in my head it all seemed easy. However, moving countries is a daunting task.

Wrapping up what I had been calling home turned out to be quite a difficult and emotional task.

I learned that over time without realizing no matter how much I was bored with the same places, cafes and shops I felt sad when it came to saying goodbye. It felt as if I left a certain part of me back in those places.

Adjusting to new places takes time and it’s not as charming as I had imagined. There are huge obstacles and getting used to certain lifestyles takes its toll.

I read a lot about people who move around constantly and I wonder how they can do so easily.

I am in a dilemma about whether I should get comfortable in my new place first or should I focus on travelling around the world which I have wanted to do for a long time.

Happy to read your suggestions.

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Rakaposhi Hunza Valley

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Rubina Khush Jan
Write A Catalyst

Content writer | Digital Marketer | Sales prof. I write about my life experiences. Let's follow each other's journey to create enriching experiences.