My First Ever Earnings From MPP

Embracing the Journey as a New MPP Writer.

Mehak Adlakha
Write A Catalyst


I have been here for a while, reading stories and guides about earnings and keeping all the inspiration in my pocket because my country didn’t have the Medium Partner Program (MPP).

Thanks to the amazing team of Medium, India became eligible, and I was finally able to enrol in the MPP on August 16, 2024.

Celebrations, I am earning from Medium. | Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Now, finally, I get to share my own earnings on Medium! These earnings are from August 16th to 31st i.e., 16 days.

Before I reveal the number, I know you might have expectations based on your own earnings, my follower count, or my engagement rate.

When I first became eligible, I had a specific amount in mind, but I had little understanding of how the earnings worked and no prior experience.

Guess what? I still don’t entirely understand it! Earnings on Medium are quite complex, and the platform exposes very little of its algorithm. So, I want to emphasize that whatever expectations or guesses you have, or even what I had expected for myself, those numbers do not matter. I might have earned more or less than your guesses, and that’s okay.

Let’s not compare ourselves and embrace each of our journeys gracefully.



Mehak Adlakha
Write A Catalyst

26 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Life Enthusiast and Tech Explorer | I promote positivity and knowledge.