My First Month On Medium And 1000 Plus Views

Everything About My Experience And What I Have Earned

Akshay Mishra
Write A Catalyst
5 min readMar 11, 2024


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Technically, Its not exactly the first month. I started in January with a single piece but remained largely inactive

It wasn’t until February that I made a conscious decision to ramp up my content creation efforts. Despite only managing to publish three blogs during the month, the response was remarkable.

The three blogs I published during this period, have garnered 1000+ views till now with 65% read ratio.

My Stats Till Now

Throughout this process, I’ve organically gained over 70 followers — a modest number but I am happy with this start. I firmly believe that focusing on quality content is the key to attracting genuine followers. If you’re interested in joining me on this journey, I welcome you to be a part of it here.

My Audience Stats In Last 1 Month


First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my readers and subscribers. I started writing here because I used to find joy in sharing knowledge through tutoring in my college days. But, amidst the busyness of life, I struggled to find a way to continue nurturing that passion.

It wasn’t until I realized that I could translate my BI and Data enthusiasm into written content, sharing my experiences with those eager to learn and enter this field.

The journey thus far has been nothing short of exhilarating, surpassing even my wildest expectations.

So, to every viewer, every reader who has taken the time to engage with my work, I want to express my deepest gratitude.


With that I have one more thing to say. In addition to my technical content, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be sharing my travel experiences with you all.

Playing With Data Is My Expertise But Travelling For Me Is Soul Fulfilling.

I can’t wait to embark on this new journey with you all.

What May Have Worked For Me

  1. Niche Focus: By sticking to my expertise in BI and Data Analytics, I attracted followers from the tech community and newcomers to the field who were eager to learn.
  2. Experience-Based Writing: Sharing practical examples from my own work experiences helped to make my content more relatable and valuable to readers. Providing detailed explanations from basics to advanced concepts added depth and clarity.
  3. Join A Publication: When i published my first piece in January, it was not getting enough traction. Joining a relevant publication — Microsoft Power BI, expanded the reach of my content and connected me with a broader audience interested in my niche.
  4. Attention To Detail: I tend to explain in detail about the topics I write. Starting with foundational concepts and gradually delving into advanced topics resonated well with my audience. This makes the article more informative and people love it.
  5. Geographical Considerations: Understanding the geographical distribution of my audience allowed me to strategically time my publication to maximize visibility and engagement, particularly during peak hours in the UTC timezone.
  6. Content Resharing: For the kind of content I write, a lot of viewership also comes through word of mouth and resharing. My stories have been reshared through direct messages and on other platforms.
    Check this traffic source stats for Elevate DAX: Mastering Running Totals in Power BI
Views By Traffic Source

My next Targets: Crossing 100 followers and 2000+ views by March End

What May Not Have Worked For Me

  1. Inconsistency : Acknowledging that consistency is key, I realize that my sporadic posting schedule may have hindered my ability to attract and retain followers. Hence I’ve decided to write more from March onwards.
  2. Long Paragraphs: As I tend to write in detail about topics, my paragraphs usually become big. Big paras tend to loose interests of readers. I’m actively working on breaking down my content into more digestible chunks.
  3. Timing of Posts: I’ve observed a correlation between the timing of my posts and their viewership. Articles published at the beginning of week, tend to receive more traction compared to those posted towards the end of the week.

What I Have Earned

Now I want to share with you the most important aspect of my journey — what I’ve earned from writing on Medium.

I Earned Nothing Except Learnings And Audience’s Love!!!

Yes, you read it right.
I am from India, the country NOT yet supported by the Medium Partner Program.

I invest a good amount of time creating and writing here since I am loving this process. But I haven’t earned a single penny from my efforts.

Your support means the world to me, and I would be incredibly grateful and motivated to continue writing if you choose to support me.

If you want to support me, you can just Buy Me A Coffee!

Final Words

Before I wrap up, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks again to each and every one of you who has taken the time to read my blogs. Your unwavering enthusiasm and engagement fuel my motivation to keep writing.

I am enjoying this process and hope that I’ve been able to add some value to your lives. I’m already looking forward to publishing another blog soon!

Until then, Sayonara and see you in the next one!

Connect with me through my social media handles; I look forward to hearing from you!

  1. Medium
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Twitter/X



Akshay Mishra
Write A Catalyst

Professionally, I am a Power BI and Data Analytics enthusiast | Outside of work, a passionate Traveller and Explorer.