My First Post Made $0. Now, I’ve Made My First $100
Here Are 3 Lessons (Hope They Help You Make Your $100 Articles)
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2024
I’ve been on Medium for 223 days.
With zero writing-related background.
My first paywall article made $0.
Now, I’ve just made my first $100 articles.
That’s surreal.
Here are 3 lessons I’ve learned (hope they help you make your $100 articles)
#1 Writing is a Game of Numbers.
From my 194 posts:
- 103 articles made less than $1
- 56 articles made less than $5
- 18 articles made between $10–$100
- Only 1 article made more than $100
Writing on Medium is like a slot machine, but a slot machine with zero risk.
Writing is a game of numbers — your article is your coin. The more you insert, the more chance you have to win.