My Journey To Slow Living

This Is Sophie Today
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2024


Less Hustle, More Flow in 2024

A person standing near the ocean at sunset
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

I’ve had a couple of rough years.

2022 was a whirlwind. We moved 5 times over a year, just to give you an idea.

In 2023 I was running so fast I was getting ahead of myself. We moved 2 more times that year.

Amidst all the chaos, I focused all my energy on productivity and finding the ideal routine. My phone and Notion were littered with detailed notes about the perfect day, the perfect morning, and the perfect evening.

I got stuck in this endless cycle of sticking to a new routine for a few days and then giving up again.

2023 was my fitness year. I got into it a lot and then got injured.

In 2021–2022 my passion was walking. I went on long walks every weekend and walked several 50km races.

In 2018–2019, meditation was “my thing”. I did several 10-day vipassana retreats.

You may notice a pattern here. I tend to go overboard, even with things that are actually healthy and positive.

So this year, I’m not setting goals, I’m not aiming for anything. I don’t want the perfect routine.

I want to do less.

2024 is going to be my slow year. The year in which I do less, I do it slowly and the things I do



This Is Sophie Today
Write A Catalyst

I live in NZ, in an off grid tiny house with husband and parrot. I share personal reflections on the rewards of connecting off grid principles with modern life.