My New Diet That Finally is Improving My Acne

Sam Krämer
Write A Catalyst
Published in
1 min readFeb 9, 2024


After years of struggling, I am finally seeing some results.

I tried multiple hormonal creams, pills, and techniques, but nothing worked.

But I have been on a new diet and can finally say, my acne is improving!

I know, my skin isn’t clear AT ALL.

But everyone can see that my new diet is working.

So what does my new diet not consist of?

  • Sugars
  • Processed food
  • Seed oils

These will fuck up your skin horribly, as you can see on day 1.

So what does my new diet consist of?

  • Meat and organs
  • Fruit/vegetables
  • Honey
  • Raw dairy
  • Eggs
  • Sweet potato

This diet is not easy to stick with, but I try to stick to it with every bite.

If you have bad skin and want to change, give it a try.

I am going to update you every month, so feel free to subscribe!



Sam Krämer
Write A Catalyst

19 year old writer that loves to talk about self-improvement! I also created a YouTube channel, go check it out!