My parents wanted me to become a Catholic priest, but I had other plans.

The dangers of not being in control.

Nonso Emetoh
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJun 13, 2024


Photo by Saint John's Seminary on Unsplash

While I find the calling and vocation to the Catholic priesthood noble, I knew that that life wasn’t for me.

Now that I think about the decision I made to leave after 12 years in formation, I realize that it was because…

I have never believed in the idea of ‘control’.

You see…

Every human on earth is running on a set of concious and unconcious programming.

This is how I see reality.

We wake up, dress, get to work, commute, come back home, and repeat the same activity till we hit pause and vanish from the surface of the earth.

This is sadly the reality of many people.

Life is meant to be exciting.

But most importantly, you are meant to be in control as an entity.

You are a sovereign entity.

You are meant to make decisions that propel your growth.

You are meant to filter what you consume.

You are meant to adapt.

That is what makes you in charge.

That is what separates you from the rest of the people who run programs that aren’t theres to begin with.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I hope you make that conscious decision today to take control of your life.

Your finances.

Your health.

Your relationships.

These are the very things that matter in the end.

To the best of you.

Stay frosty,



Nonso Emetoh
Write A Catalyst

Digital Writer | Copywriter and Philosopher | Editor - Write A Catalyst.