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My Stats On Medium And Some Helpful Takeaways As A Beginner Writer

Sidra Khan
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2024


I never intended to write this article in such initial stages or maybe forever because the Medium Partner Program doesn’t support my country. But, there we go!

If you were here for earning and big stats updates, I’m sorry for your disappointment.

January 18, was the day when I put a belt around my waist and started writing for medium just for the sake of an honest audience in return.

The stats for Jan 2024 are attached below:

  • 22 reads

Nothing so big and amazing.

Author’s Screenshot of January 2024 Stats

But, the fact that I went from 0 to 23 followers just in 12 days, means I gained almost 2 followers per day with my flawed writings is amazing for me, as a complete beginner.

Although I don’t have much to brag about my stats like other big writers so, I’ll be providing you with some of my takeaways from this 12 to 13-day journey of the Medium.

Let Your First Clap Be Your Motivation For More:

When I published my first-ever article on Medium, I was very disappointed by the 0 on my stats bar. But, then someone clapped on my story and interestingly, there were no reads or even impressions visible in my stats.

However, didn’t matter to me at that moment. I was over the moon and took my laptop to write another piece of writing.

Find naive reasons to write.

Grab Your First Few Views By Joining Publications:

The first ever publication I joined was “Word Garden” which gave me some visibility my work deserved which I couldn’t have gotten with my sole effort. A special thanks to Carl Jeffers (the owner of Word Garden).

I cannot appreciate enough the publications that support the brand new writers on this platform and set them free to write on any topic until they find their niche.

Take A Back Seat And Relax After Submitting Your Work To Publications:

Publications do take their time in publishing your content mostly, due to the availability of limited and sometimes only one editor.

Whilst, you don’t have to create any vile assumption about your work quality and being ghosted etc, etc. This typically takes a few hours to a day.

Also, almost no publication rejects your work without letting you know.

Don’t Make Earnings Your Primary Goal:

And, the last but most important. Always remember:

“Money is the by-product of the value you add.”

Set aside your money goals and focus primarily on adding value to your audience’s daily life.

Once, you gain the value-adder status, money comes hand in hand.


Sidra K.



Sidra Khan
Write A Catalyst

Learning what goes in the making of the "Successful Writers". You can come along!