New Writer? Follow These Tips To Write on Medium Without Using AI

Don’t be tempted by the perfection that AI offers

Feranmi Okuku
Write A Catalyst
3 min readApr 15, 2024


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence is a great innovation in the digital economy, however, it is not an excuse for mediocrity as a writer. There is nothing as fulfilling as writing an original piece all by yourself and being proud of the impact it is making on readers.

Are you worried about how you would be able to write a piece without the help of AI?

Keep reading…

The fastest route (using AI) is not always the best, and with Medium, it’s a bad decision. I’ll be sharing some steps that will help you write great articles on Medium without the aid of AI.

“It’s time to take that bold step into a world of endless creativity and originality.”

What are your areas of interest?

Identify your areas of interest as this will help you get more motivated about the subject matter you will be writing about. Whatever topic you are interested in is one you will definitely be passionate about writing about. Also, it won’t look like a chore to you but more of an adventure into a world you can relate to.

Who are you writing to?

One of the worst mistakes you can make as a writer is writing to everybody. Your content cannot interest everyone, that is why you should niche down to a target audience. Do your research to find out the group of readers you would love to captivate their attention.

How do their areas of interest intersect with yours? Which content would they find relatable? Which content would they stop scrolling for? These are some of the questions you should ask when at this stage.

Keep Your Content Idea Bank Active

You must have heard the popular quote ‘Ideas rule the world’. That is true not just in the world but also on Medium platform. To be an ever-relevant writer, you have to keep a content bank where you can always drop ideas whenever and wherever they pop into your mind.

Do your research

A well-researched content is like serving your readers with a sumptuous meal that satisfies their taste buds. Rather than spending time with AI prompts, spend that time improving your knowledge about the topic you intend to write about so as to write from a knowledgeable perspective.

Follow An Outline

To create an order for your train of thought and the numerous words in your head, you should create an outline for the subject matter you want to write about. This gives you more direction on how you should put down your thoughts from the introduction to the conclusion. The writing becomes less overwhelming when you have a structure with clear subheadings.

Know Your Productive Hours

To get started and stay consistent on that path, you have to find out your productive hours. Which hours of the day do you get things done faster with less struggle? Is it the early hours of the day or the late hours of the day? What are the other things that aid your productivity? Your answers will let you know what time of the day you should schedule your writing.

Start Writing

This is the last point because I would like you to get right to it as soon as you read the last word of this piece. Don’t give in to procrastination. Ditch AI and start writing today.

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