New Writers, Here’s How I Would Build A Writing Habit If I Were A Beginner

Six writing strategies to build a writing habit and succeed as a writer

Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst


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Habits are crucial for success. That is no new thing.

Writing success also depends on your habits and consistency. Every top writer has a writing habit that keeps them going. They follow a routine that allows them to produce tons of quality content consistently.

I credit my writing success to my habits. These habits helped me produce high-volume content consistently and learn and grow as a writer.

If you want to be a top writer and make a good income writing online, you need to build good writing habits. Here are a few things I’d do to succeed as a writer if I were a beginner.

Writing something small every day

It is no surprise that to build a habit, you have to practice repeatedly. It is impossible to become good at something if you don’t do it consistently.

To practice writing, I would write something small every day.

Why small?

It’s because most new writers are intimidated by long-form writing. They think they cannot produce such content and write quality articles. That’s…



Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join 1000+ creators and thinkers for weekly notes: