Next Phase of Growth — For May

1st Week of May — Newsletter

Bin Jiang
Write A Catalyst


Sometimes we can’t tell if we are growing or not.
Didn’t expect it to be this long but it is what it is. (9 mins)
A lot to go over, this week.

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Some News and Some Updates on Progress.

This week first thing I can recall is the missing clap glitch on Wednesday, which erased part of my memory about the end of the contest.

Many had felt it, it was crazy and wild and delayed the contest results but glad things turned out okay.

However, on the backend, there were multiple accounts that went missing yet some returned.

Good and bad always hit us on updates, which this one was expected but in an unexpected way.

Many more accounts were removed or revoked from Medium partner program which is discouraging for some but the effects slowly hitting our reality that no one knows what is going on with this area.

As it is the first time, we have heard of or medium implementing it for real.

One writer from the contest went missing for about a couple of hours and came back Adrian V. However, I heard from others that their account has been revoked: Samy Writes 🌸 and Eshal Fatima.



Bin Jiang
Write A Catalyst

Editor of Write A Catalyst. Work w/ The Co-Existing Self to Capture ideas and deeper meaning in your writing. On mindset, business, psychology, philosophy and +