Nick Wignall Has 331K Followers And Made Over $5000 Monthly, But He’s Leaving Medium. Here’s Why.

Is Medium not worth it anymore?

Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst


A picture of Nick Wignall (Source:

Nick Wignall is one of the top writers on Medium, with over 331,000 followers. He is an inspiration for me and many other writers.

Recently, he deleted all his Medium articles.

Nick’s stories used to appear on my feed every other day, and I read almost all of them.

A few months back, he had tweeted about his Medium success and how he made over $5000 in a month:

Why would someone doing so well on Medium suddenly leave the platform?

I stopped seeing his posts on my feed. So, I searched his profile this morning.

He only had one story (posted a day ago) that said, “Why I Deleted All My Medium Articles.”

I clicked on the article to find the reason for his surprising action. My guess was that his account must have been hacked or banned from the…



Biliz Maharjan
Write A Catalyst

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—