Once I Acted the David of My Household and I got it RAW

Character and ‘characterization’ are the bedrock of living

Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Dylan Alcock on Unsplash

When I think of character, Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge comes to my mind. Subtitled: A Man of Character, the queerness is the essence of the character.

The quixotic disposition is the characterization.

For the records, it takes character to act in a certain way. It however takes characterization to continue doing or acting that way, especially without profit.

The war between the Israelites led by King David against the Philistines became sore and deadly. The fierce battles had lasted longer than usual and David and his men were apparently weary.

In addition, David became extremely thirsty at some point. The thirst, I believe, was better imagined. He was fainting.

No doubt, his manly resolve plus military training-cum-experience must have sustained his physical and biological needs. But obviously, he needed some water badly.

Some of his most valiant and best trained soldiers must have been challenged to the point they decided to risk it all. Finally, they succeeded in procuring some water for their leader.

He did the unusual. Instead of drinking the water, David poured it to the ground. He imagined how much bloodshed was recorded in the process of getting the water.

His spirit could not accept the gift albeit his body needed it most. I would not understand the feelings of those bravest men who had breathtakingly succeeded in fetching the water.

Sometime ago, I had gone to work expecting some ‘miracle’ of money or income or gift or any other form of help: in cash or in kind. Nothing happened.

I had trekked to work and trekked home on an empty stomach as it were. I had hoped hopefully and expected help helpfully.

The children’s case was better imagined. They have neither skill nor experience for the art of pretence. They would rather cry and disturb the sleepy community.

I had tactically though helplessly delayed my return. How would I face a vulnerably famished family? What face and what impudence would be ‘employed’? How could you explain that you returned home empty handed — in all its ramifications, denotation and connotations?

How dare you?

My wife eventually presented some food. Traditionally, after washing my hands to eat because I was ‘starvingly’ hungry too. I asked how she did manage to get the food.

“I begged it from a neighbour.”

I could no longer continue. I could not eat even a single mould. I was both dumbfounded and tired. I was weakened to my foundation.

There was nothing remaining in me. I went to bed that way.

Thank God for the gift of GRACE. That I could yet sleep soundly in that emptiness, was another wonder of the world. Ordinarily, sleep would be as far as west is from the east.

The following day, to state that I was a shadow of myself was an understatement. I was like a man who had slept on the mountain for twenty-one (21) days — without food and water.

My eyes were sunken like the valley of Columbia. My jaws were shrunken like peels of banana whose sweet substances have been mercilessly devoured. I was speechlessly silent.

One of my bosses had noticed my unusually matiated countenance. He frankly wanted to know whether all was well.

On one breath, I had wanted to let the cat out of the container. On the other breath, I held my peace up till today as I am telling the story here.

Life is a story of different characters, characterization, idiosyncrasies and verisimilitude. Except a story is told by one who knew what happened, the story remains an imagination.

But when the story is told by a man of character and characterization, the story affects those that wittingly hear it. One thing, however, is significant. Such story can never end in one sitting.

“They that are in support of the motion, say ‘Aye’!”


“The ayes have it.”

By the way, according to Denise Dennis Worlu, RAW means: “Real Adult Worries”. The story wasn’t about them either …

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Chinedu V. Onyema
Write A Catalyst

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."