One Simple Reason Why We Are Not Starting Our Goals

Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2024
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

In the past week, while having a conversation with my neighbor, I asked her kid, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’

That eight-year-old replied, ‘Doctor,’ ‘YouTuber,’ ‘mmm… Chef…’ and I cut him right after that.

This answer reminded me of my old days when I dreamt of becoming a lawyer.

In a young age, most of us dream big, and there are no limitations at all. But as we grow up, we almost stop dreaming big.

Whenever we try to think of something big, suddenly, the inner voice creeps in and says, ‘Hey buddy! Sorry, you can’t do that.’

Did you know the reason?

The fear of failure

Somehow, we develop the fear of failure while growing up, and that acts as a huge barrier to our goals.

Most often, people don’t start their goals because of this fear. There will be a lot of negativity surrounding our minds, making it seem impossible to get started.

For instance, if someone would like to start their own business, their negative thoughts might be like, ‘What if your business fails within six months?’ ‘You never get another job.’ ‘Who will take care of my family?’

No one likes to fail; people often talk about others’ success and don’t care about failures.

If we have to remove this fear, then we need to change our mindset. So how can you change that?

Journal your fears.

Writing your fears in a journal or notebook will help you start acting on your goals.

· Write your goal.

· List down all the fears you have regarding the goal.

· Now, write the worst-case scenario of implementing the goal.

· Write preventive methods to avoid failures.

· Finally, write what you will do if you fail with your goal.

This is a simple exercise that one should consider following before starting their goals.

Fear of failure is the biggest barrier to starting your goals, and writing down the fears and possible solutions will change your mindset. Let’s all take our first step with a strong attitude.

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Naveen Thangavel
Write A Catalyst

Business Analyst | Trader | YouTuber: Writing about self-help, psychology, meditation, and financial freedom.