Only 99 Days Left Until 2025

Haven’t moved the needle on your 2024 goals? Here’s a solution

Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst
2 min readSep 24, 2024


Source: freepik

Let me guess. You made some big goals in January, and now you’re sitting there wondering what happened.

Well, here’s the good news: You still have 99 days to turn things around.

The bad news? Setting more goals won’t help. Yeah, I said it.

Stop setting goals.

Start setting systems.

Here’s the difference:

Setting goals

  • Getting clear on what you want.
  • Success is out of your control.
  • Can cause frustration.
  • Lower your confidence and motivation.
  • The goal often seems unreachable
  • It can make you feel like you are losing.


Goal: To write a bestselling book.

Goal: To gain 10kg of muscle mass.

Setting goals = Wishing for success.

Setting systems

  • Getting clear on the price you’ll have to pay to get there.
  • Success is in your control.
  • A system that you execute daily/weekly
  • It’s like earning small victories every day, and trust me — those add up.
  • You feel an instant hit of accomplishment.
  • Motivation? Sky-high.


Goal: Dedicate 2 hours every morning to writing.

Goal: Strength training 3 times every week.

Setting systems = Deciding you will succeed.

The Magic of Systems

Imagine trying to grow a plant. You can’t just say, “My goal is to have a fully grown tree by the end of the year.” The tree doesn’t care about your deadline. What you can do, though, is water the seed every day. Give it sunlight. Protect it from pests. That’s the system.

You show up, do your part, and trust the process. And suddenly, one day, the tree is there. Not because you set a goal, but because you committed to the system.

A goal without a plan is just a wish, but a system turns that wish into reality.



Ravinder Singh
Write A Catalyst

I write about self improvement, nutrition, fitness and life lessons | Connect with me: