Photo by Rosalind Chang on Unsplash

Our Seasons of Overcoming Setbacks, and Embracing Tomorrow

Strong as waves we stride towards with an embracement of ourselves and discovery. A short letter for the Dreamer, Fighter, Lost, and Exhausted.


There are 365 days in a year, each representing different seasons-not the climatic seasons of continents and regions, but the seasons of life we experience throughout the year.

Every life story you hear is woven of win, loss, and life and death—the tears, and over-the-top joy, pain, and love. The human lifespan is composed of these events that the person treasures, and to other’s to remember.

Though we hope setbacks could come in a different form, one that wouldn’t leave a deep scar on our life, and as much as we like to hope that it could be better, we cannot deny that it will always be part of our journey, and pain will always be the same—setbacks that will test our faith and character.

Tomorrow may come and the feelings of agony and pain might no longer be there. When the sun rises a new feeling may arise that we pray to be better.

As you embark on your never-ending journey, whatever seasons it could be, you may stand strong, and learn to cherish every moment as part of the richness of your life.

The sense of life and its meaning might be blurry from afar, but as you take steps forward you may see a crack in which light creeps in that leads you to finding the purpose.

At some point during the tribulation, you might feel like you are pushing a boulder from the bottom to the top of the mountain—exhausted, depressed, and overwhelmed—but there will be rays of sun seeping through trees and grass that will remind you that you are on the track of greatness.

The cold raindrops dripping from the leaves will remove the dirt on your eyes allowing you to see that there will always be chances you have-and those are your tomorrows.

The seasons of your life are unpredictable so let it unfold. May your tomorrow hold moments to remember, and lessons to apply. As the Filipino saying goes, “Malayo pa, pero malayo na” which translates to, “ Still far, but already far.”

You have come a long way and made remarkable progress that you might not know but if you try to rekindle the moments you think it is the end of everything you will realize the long pathway you have walked.

Adversity is a season we all experience. It may come in different forms that we don’t anticipate, and feeling overwhelmed by it is a natural, and valid reaction.

And seeking help is not to be ashamed of, as it is also to be taken note that healing takes time-not seconds, and minutes, but true, meaningful time.

This message may find you, and if these sewed words are unable to reach you—I hope that this will touch your heart and bloom into a raging fire of dedication, peace, and love at a perfect time.

