Overwhelmed By Studies? Stop Lying to Yourself

Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2024

Have you ever wondered why you can watch all the episodes and seasons of a lengthy seasonal movie without feeling overwhelmed? So, why do you feel overwhelmed when you sit down to read your slides or books?

- Bright Amo

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Welcome to this week’s episode on, “The Dilemma of a Student: Answering Your Top Frequently Asked Questions”.

Allow me to introduce our esteemed guest speakers:

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Before we dive right in…

Source: AmbitionsAba.com

QUESTION: Why do students get overwhelmed by their studies? And what SHOULD be done to remedy the situation?

Bright Amo:

“I believe that the fear of failure, lack of interest, or passion for what you are studying, and inadequate planning are the reasons for this.

Have you ever wondered why you can watch all the episodes and seasons of a lengthy seasonal movie without feeling overwhelmed? So, why do you feel overwhelmed when you sit down to read your slides or books? It’s your interest in the subject and appreciation for the process that keeps you going, not the number of slides or pages.

Of course, you can’t force yourself to be interested in something you’re not, but if you can develop an interest, then do so. However, allocate more time for what you don’t like. Keep in mind that the goal is to learn. Set goals, break them down into manageable pieces, and then achieve them.

For instance, if you have 20 pages to read, divide them into smaller sections, maybe 2 pages every 2 hours. When you achieve this, you’ll feel happy and motivated to remain consistent and perhaps even do more. And do you know the best part? You would end up finishing the 20 pages that you were previously overwhelmed to read!”

Minniehaha Bulley:

“Students believe that studying is hard.

✔️Change your mentality towards the program/course/subject.
✔️Then change the attitude towards the course.
✔️Take it one step at a time, don’t rush.
✔️Take each and every course seriously.
✔️ Don’t overwork yourself. When you overdo it, you end up hurting yourself and tiring your body for no reason. Take breaks as needed; otherwise, your ability to effectively learn and assimilate new information could be compromised”.

Angela Ankoma:

“Most often, students procrastinate. This is when studies become overwhelming. When I was in school, I didn’t wait for tests before I studied. Instead, I endeavored to study every day. I always made sure I reviewed what I was taught during the day before going to bed. I realized that this approach made me feel more relaxed. We should not wait until we hear the word “examination” before we study. Learning should be done when we’re not under pressure”.

Be whole, O ye student!

“Feeling Overwhelmed with Studies? Stop Lying to Yourself”. This title isn’t just a catchy headline designed to draw you in, but a sincere call to action. It’s time to confront the reality of your study habits and make the necessary changes for academic success.

Experiencing excessive overwhelm indicates that you’ve been telling yourself some lies, and these lies continue to fuel your anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed might be a signal that you lack passion for your current course of study. It could also be your body’s way of telling you that you’re overworking yourself, or perhaps not approaching things correctly. Overwhelming can occur when you haven’t taken the time to confront and accept your personal truths.

So, ‘to remedy the situation’, identify your own ‘lie’ and rectify it. We owe a debt of gratitude to our speakers who provided practical solutions for every misstep we might find ourselves making.

It’s crucial to make the right decisions to ensure success. It can be disheartening when mistakes are made unknowingly. Could it be that you’re making some unintentional mistakes in your approach to your studies? I guess time will tell…

Share this till it gets to someone who needs it. You might never know.




Write A Catalyst

Thriver who loves writing. I blog on Self-improvement| Self-motivation| Self-care.