People Who Don’t Have Life Insurance Are Selfish

My father was one of those people and my family suffered for it.

Shannon D. Smith
Write A Catalyst


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To this day, I will never understand why a person would refuse to get life insurance.

I mean you’d have to be a cold hearted individual to intentionally leave your family in a financially strained situation on top of mourning over losing you.

I’m April of 2006, that’s exactly what my father did to me and my sisters. Our father was diabetic who refused to follow dietary restrictions.

He insisted on doing things his way, until he couldn’t.

An aneurysm ruptured in his brain one night and he died in his sleep. My youngest sister who was 12 and the only one still living with dad, went into his room to ask him why he let her oversleep for school, only to discover that he was gone.

She was traumatized.

Miraculously she managed to think quick on her feet and call my sister who noticed the rest of us.

Our lives were never the same. We (the older 3) had to make impossible decisions with little support:

  • When to take dad off life support



Shannon D. Smith
Write A Catalyst

L&D Consultant who empowers mid-career corporate professionals to find the career alignment they deserve.