Pickleball! What Is It And Why Does Everyone Love It So Much???

Write A Catalyst
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2024


A Closer Look At America’s New Favorite Game

Photo by Joan Azeka on Unsplash

Have you noticed the crazy, addiction-like draw to the new sport called Pickleball???

I remember reading articles boasting about America’s new favorite pastime right after the pandemic. But new fads come and go. I thought a sport with a name like pickleball would have its five minutes of fame and then disappear. Boy, was I wrong!

Pickleball is still the fastest growing sport in America according to the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. In the past 4 years from 2020, it has grown 223.5% and shows no signs of slowing down. In 2024, there are reportedly 13.58 million Picklers (what pickleball players are called) who play regularly.

What is Pickleball?

So what exactly is this strange sport called Pickleball that is captivating everyone from grade schoolers to senior citizens? Pickleball is a sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and ping pong. It’s played with a paddle and plastic balls that are very similar to wiffle balls. It’s played on a court that is lined much like a tennis court and has a net but is much smaller.



Write A Catalyst

Nurse turned Freelance Writer! Health and Wellness Articles. Hoping to help us all improve our Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health! Proud Momma of 3 kiddos