Reflecting on a Summer Day

a time to pause and look about

Michele Luckenbaugh
Write A Catalyst


Maria Orlova @ Pexels

The warmth of summer envelopes me.
The sun is high above,
shining down with force
on me and the parched earth.

Rain is scarce
and is a highly valued commodity
like the Crown Jewels.
The grass is a crispy brown
and brown leaves have begun falling
from the thirsty silver maples and pin oaks…
a process arriving earlier this year.

Usually when the jack-o-lanterns
make their appearance in the backyard fall gardens,
the ground is covered
in a multi-color carpet of leaves.

Josh Hild @ Pexels

Not so this year.
Mother Earth, I guess,
is showing her displeasure with us
for our long-running disregard.

The songbirds, like the robin and Carolina wren, are strangely
quiet in the treetops,

avoiding the heat of the day.



Michele Luckenbaugh
Write A Catalyst

Patient Advocate, healthcare activist, wife, mother, grandmother, lover of life. I believe in the power of hope, it can move mountains. Love the art of writing.