Regret over past decisions.

That time, I could have done something different.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
2 min readJun 24, 2024


In our day-to-day lives, we do many things. make many decisions and take many actions. At that time, we don’t think about the situation or the decision we make; either we don’t care or we think it is the right thing to do.

But as time passes and we know the consequences of the action we took, then we think about what I should have done differently or how foolish I was if the effect is not that great or we made mistakes.If it is beneficial, then we don’t think about it more than twice.

These types of thoughts are common for everyone, but everyone has different things to think about and different time to waste over them. Some people think regularly and tend to overthink because of their regrets or because they don’t have other things to do. Or they choose to regret it because their loss was very great, or they have made a big mistake.
It is a very normal thing for every person because people take many decisions and do many things, or they think they shouldn’t have spoken the words, or they should’ve worked hard. These thoughts are very common but very painful for some people.

How can you not regret your decision?

Making mistakes is a very common thing for humans. Every person has made some mistakes. Some people choose to learn from them, but some choose to regret them.

Every person makes many mistakes or does not do the right thing at the right time, but some people notice it and some choose to ignore it. If a person is active in their thinking,. They have very little regret.

If you don’t want to make mistakes or don’t have many regrets, then

  • Keep yourself updated, because it will help you do the right thing at the right time.
  • Speak your word wisely, because you may regret it later because spoken words can’t be taken back.
  • You should always be willing to learn.
  • Gaining more knowledge will help you open many doors.
  • If you don’t want to make mistakes, you should be conscious all the time and make decisions by keeping the future in mind.

Making mistakes is a common thing, and you shouldn’t stop trying because of that.

When you are willing to learn from your mistake, you will find that your mistake is decreasing, and you will have less reason to worry about your decision.

“the greatest mistakes you can make in life is continuously fearing that you’ll make one". — Elbert Hubbart

