David Lugard
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2024



Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

It’s has actually comes to my notice that people do take going to school so serious to the detriment to attaining their core purpose in life, we are so much taking seriously “SCHOOL" as the number one priority in life.

The Advance English Dictionary sees school as “an educational institution" and also a “process of being formally educated".

It implies that the school is an organized institute of learning through processes. It is a place that sound minds will be brushed to a particular field of studies.

The question is,… is it actually bad to be educated, to be in school?. The answer is obviously no. As long as we live as human, we irrefutably needs cogent reasons to be identified in the class of the educated. To be educated is to be informed, exposed and having this embodiment and outstanding knowledge of things. It doesn’t come so easily, it works by passion, sacrifice and finance.


95% of persons in this century in all sense of humility are so gullible to believe that after schooling here comes making money or having a job, the school has continually in decades being graduating student in millions that have completed their cause and we so much believe that millions of firm are automatically waiting for us, the reality about science and life is absolutely discovering. 50% of countries in our seven continent are developing countries, with the knowledge we have gained through our devoted time, we should join in the development. The believe that after school comes job is an aberration, it causes harm more than what ever you can think of. When the believe of going to school as believed by many didn’t fourth come, it becomes SCAM. All course of study is directed to solve a problem in the society, so it most be kept with all jealousy.


Ignorance is never an excuse in the court of law, to be educated is so essential and paramount, it gives an edge, it makes you stand out, it gives an enormous ability to represent. Try to be educated, shun mediocrity, if education is expensive then try ignorant, invest in yourself , read books, think big, think beyond your background then check out your real self.


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