Sending Your Writing To Competitions — Why You Should Do It
And when…
As a screenwriter and plays, submitting my scripts and stage plays to competitions is a no-brainer. It is a great way to showcase your work, get out of your comfort zone, network your way into the business and connect with other writers, producers, directors, etc. Plus you get lots of very useful written feedback and if you’re lucky, you might actually place in the competition. You never know!
Submitting scripts
I’ve been writing a TV pilot for the past 6 years. It’s actually been a finalist on a few competitions here and there but it never actually got off the ground. So, to quote Whitesnake, here I go again!
Yesterday, I submitted my pilot to yet another competition. And what a relief that was. I’ve sent out so many scripts over the years, that I’m actually looking forward to it these days. It no longer scares me. It doesn’t leave me (too) anxious anymore. I love the feeling to getting my work out there, potentially (hopefully) getting good feedback and waiting for the quarter-finals!
Why You Should Do It
If you’re skeptical about submitting your stuff, don’t be. Understand that it is perfeclty fine to have those doubts, but nevertheless, you should go ahead and do it. It’ll be scary in the beginning, but you’ll get used to it. And the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
But remember to only when you’re ready. Read it over a few times, send it out to your fellow writers, ask for their feedback, and then trust your instincts. It will be fine!