Shortcut To Nowhere: A Mailman Learns The Hard Way

Write A Catalyst
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2024

The importance of considering the big picture

Let’s talk about Kyle, the mailman who only lived for two things: speed and caffeine.

Every stop on his route was meticulously timed, his movements a well-oiled machine fueled by coffee.

Today, the mail’s God smiled upon him. A shortcut! A muddy path through a field glistened in the morning sun, whispering promises of an earlier coffee break.

“Ten glorious minutes saved!” Kyle declared, picturing himself sipping coffee at home a full ten minutes earlier than usual.

With a grin that could blind a dentist’s light, he took the detour.

Big. Mistake.

The mud, smoother than a politician’s promises, swallowed his shoes whole, soaking his mail bag at the same time. As for time-saving? Let’s not talk about it. Those precious minutes bled into an hour as he cleaned up. Kyle finished his route late, soaked, AND frustrated.

Now what’s the lesson here?

The quickest route isn’t always the best. Efficiency gets things done fast, but effectiveness considers the bigger picture.

Sometimes, the tried-and-true path, even if slower, leads to a smoother, more successful delivery.

What’s efficient may not always be effective. Picture by Unknown.

Speedily Yours ;)


