Simon Says Have Autonomy. What Autonomy?

Your life, your choices?

Rod Smith
Write A Catalyst
2 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

I’m sure you were a bright-eyed kid with big dreams of being an astronaut, ballerina, or the next big tech billionaire… but the system had other plans for you. It’s adorable that you thought you had a choice in the matter.

No, you’ll work in the job the economy needs you to work in, buy the products the advertisers tell you to buy, and vote for the puppet that the media has anointed this election cycle.

We all like to think we’re calling the shots in our lives, but let’s face the facts. Autonomy is deader than disco.

Oh, you’re one of those radicals who still believes in silly notions like free will? That’s cute.

I’m sure you feel very autonomous and in control when you’re choosing which pre-approved health insurance plan to overpay for or which of the 57 identical fast-food chains to patronize. Such freedom!

The illusion of autonomy is just the Matrix that our corporate-bureaucratic rulers have plugged us into while they harvest our labor, data, and Soylent Green.

Our lives are basically a game of Simon Says. And Simon is an AI that knows everything about you and is subtly manipulating your behavior 24/7.

You think you can escape Simon’s all-seeing eye by rage-quitting the game?

Simon has already predicted your little rebellion and factored it into his grand plan. You see, even your acts of defiance and non-conformity have been carefully focus-grouped to give you the optimal sense of individuality… while still keeping you trapped in the system.

Go ahead, dye your hair blue, get a tattoo, and backpack through Southeast Asia to “find yourself.” Simon will be right there with you, helpfully suggesting the trendiest hotels and most authentic restaurants (that just happen to be owned by multinational conglomerates).

When you eventually tire of playing the starving artist or wandering nomad, Simon will welcome you back with open arms (and a mountain of student loan debt). He’ll slot you right into the cubicle or gig economy job that he’s been grooming you for all along.

Don’t worry too much, he’ll let you keep your nose ring and “Question Authority” t-shirt. Every dystopia needs a few colorful characters to liven things up…

Just don’t forget to post about your #uniquelife on social media so Simon can monetize your precious memories.


