Small Steps, Big Results!

Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2024

The Kaizen Mentality

Ever heard of this quote?

“All the benefits in life come from compound interest — relationship, money, habits — anything of importance”.

The Kaizen mentality, a core principle in Japanese business and philosophy meaning “continuous improvements”, embodies this concept.

How you may ask. Well, let me tell you the story of Kiara.

Kiara dreamed of becoming an artist. Ocean of ideas and landscapes were dancing in her head, but for weeks, all she could do was stare at a blank canvas. Discouraged, she started to lose hope.

Then, Sensei Yu offered a gentle smile and said “What if you start small, Kiara?”. And so started the lesson of the Kaizen philosophy.

Intrigued, Kiara delved into the world of Kaizen. Instead of tackling the whole mountain all at once, she broke it down into pebbles — a single line this week, a circle the next. Each week, her progress found a home in a colorful sketchbook. And so grew with it her confidence.

One day, a tangled of beautiful flowers bloomed on the page.

Excited, Kiara celebrated this milestone and treated herself with a brand new set of colored pencils. “Perfect for making a lively and flourishing garden” she thought.

The magic didn’t stop there. Kiara’s newfound consistency and enthusiasm were contagious. And so her friend An joined her on the Kaizen art adventure. Armed with new sketchbooks and steaming mugs of tea, they became accountability buddies, sharing their progress and celebrating each other’s wobbly lines and blossoming creativity. Day by day, their skills improved, and before they knew it, the once white canvas blank canvas bloomed into a beautiful and vibrant garden.

From Pebbles to Petals: Kaizen Blooms! by Jolly.Creator (Author) generated by AI images.

So now you know, Kaizen teaches us that:

  • Long term success is a result of small and daily improvements, and
  • Patience and consistency are key to see significant progress.

It’s your turn now to cultivate the Kaizen mentality into your life, and allow the compound effect to blossom.

  1. Stay in the Game. The magic of Kaizen happens when you stay on track for the long haul. You have to stay in the game long enough for compounding to take over. So don’t get discouraged by slow progress because it’s the steady, consistent effort that pays off in the end.
  2. Embrace Consistency. “Consistency is even rarer than talent or enthusiasm”. Focus on making your desired actions a daily habit and just get something done, no matter how small because anything above 0 compounds.
  3. Celebrate Every Win. Don’t wait for perfection — reward yourself for finishing tasks, big or small. This fuels your motivation and keeps you moving forward.
  4. Find or Attract your Kaizen Partner. Team up with a colleague or a friend and improve together. Hold each other accountable, motivate each other, share your progress, and celebrate all wins. You’ll be unstoppable with a Kaizen buddy by your side!

That’s it! Thanks for reading and happy Kaizen!

Your Jolly.Creator.

