Sometimes, People Have to Find Their Way

My perspective on helping others

Sean Mauleti
Write A Catalyst


Photo by J W on Unsplash

Asking for help can be one of the hardest things to do. It can feel incredibly vulnerable. Let’s discuss why asking for help can be such a challenge, and how we can be better at offering support to those who need it.

Throughout my life, I’ve seen that when people finally ask for help, it’s often a last resort. They’ve exhausted their options and tried to avoid burdening others. While I admire their strength, I wish they reached out sooner so we could address the problem together. However, I understand that life has its own pace — there are times for struggle and times for relief.

There’s another group of people who silently need help, but their pride prevents them from asking. They believe seeking assistance is a sign of weakness or incompetence. We must understand this mindset and find ways to offer support without undermining their sense of self-reliance.

It’s incredibly hard for these individuals to admit they need help because it challenges their sense of self-sufficiency. But the truth is, we’re not designed to be completely independent. From childhood, we rely on others for survival and growth. We need to gently remind them that asking for help is a sign of strength and a way to connect with others.



Sean Mauleti
Write A Catalyst

Writer, Thinker, Scientist, Part time Traveller, Full time Lover