Sometimes, Writing is Stressful but Damn- The Final Product is Beyond Rewarding.

Hannah H
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2024
Photo by Elsa Tonkinwise on Unsplash

This past week, procrastination, writer’s block, and my pestering inner critic were pounding at the door in my mind, and beyond my better judgment, I welcomed them in.

I had finally mustered up the courage to enter a writing contest for fictional short stories and here I was wasting time and squandering a beneficial opportunity.

Day after day, I sat at my laptop, willing my fingers to type, but nothing happened. I spent hours reviewing the story’s outline, constructing character arcs, and brainstorming potential plots.

However, I found myself unable to place the words on the page.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Slowly, the dark shadow of writer’s block settled over me and I wondered why I was attempting to write for this contest. There was no possibility that I could win so why should I even try?

Once again, my inner critic was there, speaking in a condescending tone combined with its annoying presence.

As I listened to my inner critic, the only logical conclusion was to procrastinate, and I did just that.

Soon, only a week was left to write my story and submit it for the contest. So, I decided to silence the negative thoughts in my head and began to write. It didn’t have to be perfect, I just needed to get words on the page.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Within three days, I wrote the entire short story although there was a lengthy editing process ahead of me. Through plenty of research and long hours, I completed the story and submitted it 30 minutes before the deadline.

Regardless of the outcome, I’m proud of myself for entering the contest despite the overwhelming thoughts in my head.

While the writing process can be frustrating sometimes, when everything comes together it certainly is rewarding.

Thanks for reading!

Have you ever found yourself in a state of stress while writing?



Hannah H
Write A Catalyst

Hi! I'm Hannah from Barbados🇧🇧. I write about movies and other topics that pop into my mind. For freelance inquires contact me: