Starting a Business is About Challenging Your Limiting Beliefs
Here’s one thing you can do that can put you forward
We all have limiting beliefs.
“I’m not good enough”, “I’m too old”, or “I don’t have enough time”.
These are some of the most common, but whichever might hold you back, I am sure you are aware of their negative impact on your life.
At the same time, I know how hard it is to get rid of them.
That’s why, through this article, I plan to share what works for me, so I can help you kick some of them out of your house forever.
The Limiting Belief That’s Holding Me Back
I’m not worthy of good things.
This limiting belief is probably the biggest reason why I’m not making a living doing what I love the most, why I’m constantly running around like a fly without a head and why I’m working all day without seeing the results I want.
To better understand where I’m coming from, writing is my life.
I live to work, therefore I live to write.
The lack of vices in my life and the fact that I am quite a minimalist and a nostalgic introvert, helped me a lot in developing this skill in the last…