Stop Doing This!

It will only hurt you

Cecilia Carcamo
Write A Catalyst
3 min readMar 11, 2024


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

If you are reading this you most likely are part of the Medium Partner Program.

If you are part of the partner program then you must want to do some extra cash like me.

Well I am here to tell you about a mistake that most people, including me, make, it is something that will only hurt you in the long run and make you want to quit before you can harvest the fruit of your labor.

Stop comparing yourself to other people

No doubt you have seen people that have been in the Partner Program the same amount of time as you yet they are making way more than you. Believe me I read many articles of people who have been here mor just a couple of weeks and have already made more than $100 dollars.

You see this and then you start comparing yourself to them, it is game over we you do it. The moment you start compering then you will want to give up.

While it is true that some people reach the top a little faster than others, it is okay if you take some time.

I have been here on Medium for almost a month and I haven’t made 5 dollars yet. I compared myself to those that were making $10, $50, $110 and even $1000 dollars.

It made me feel like I wanted to quit.

Screenshot by author

I saw my very sad looking stats and just thought, “I guess I can’t do this”. Suddenly there was a voice inside me. It was telling me that I had no right to give up because I wasn’t even giving it my all.

I decided that I could not give up just because I did not have the best beginning, in fact I knew I wasn’t trying at all. If I want to make this work I need to actually try.

The truth is that there is no secret to making yourself rich and famous quickly.

It is about not giving up even if it feels impossible

You need to actually believe that you can do it and you need to actually put in the work.

Rome was not built in only a day, so you need to stop comparing yourself to others and actually take a good look at yourself and think that this is only the beginning and that you will keep running towards your goal.

Sure, some people reach the top before others, but that means that you will reach it eventually as long as you keep moving forward.

If you think you are wasting time doing something, if you are having fun doing that something, then you aren’t wasting time at all.

Thank you for reading so far, I loved to read your opinions.

See you later alligators.



Cecilia Carcamo
Write A Catalyst

Just a colledge student who want to practice her writing. Expect to read about various stories and some tips for random things. Hope you like my articles