Suicide: causes and people.

People and their problems.

Mr. Harsh
Write A Catalyst
9 min readJul 21, 2024


Photo by Akhil Nath on Unsplash

In the life of a human failure, stress and discouragement are part of life.It can be everywhere, but only people with strong will can face it head-on. But some people don’t have the courage to face it. For them, sometimes the cost of failure is higher than their life, and they aren’t able to handle it, so they decide to take their own life by thinking that they can end their problem in one fell swoop. This is one of the suicide cases. There are many more reasons why people take that step.

Can suicide really end everything?

The clear answer is absolutely not, but the people who committed suicide did not think that far.They think that by ending their lives, they can fix all their problems. But they don’t think about the people who are relying on them—the people who love them. The family that has to face the pressure If you feel disappointed, sad, angry, or depressed, then you can talk to the person for whom you are doing all the work and take a day off to relax and give time to your hobbies. If you really feel like you are about to give up, then you should leave everything and at least talk to someone with a good personality or people you love most. Life is only given once, so one thing you can do is enjoy it. You should live for yourself first, then think about anything else.

Let’s talk about the working class.

These people have so many worries: worries about work, money, people, society, family, others opinions, and many more things. They get entangled in these types of things, and they say they don’t have time to breathe or they can’t focus on their family hobbies or anything due to these useless worries. This can lead them to feel stressed. And if they don’t achieve anything, then they try to commit suicide. They think that they have done all they could, and they even kept their distance from family hobbies or any other enjoyment. Due to work, they get obsessed, feel distant from their family, and don’t feel any support or warmth in time to get over their failure. And many people feel betrayed, and these things can lead to committing suicide or mental illness.

Let’s talk about other classes of people, like farmer students and the lower classes.

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Let’s talk about a farmer who was happy and full of hope and is considering ending his own life. A farmer’s life is full of hardship, debt, pain, and many ups and downs. Let’s consider a common farmer who has very much hope for the future. He wants to feed his family, marry his daughter, send some money to his son, who is studying at a good college, and buy some new clothes for festivals. For that, he took some money from the Laon Sharks to buy good seeds, worked very hard to plough his field, and performed every task very carefully. After days when he saw the crop, which he had sown in his field, his hope for the future increased. And due to that, he started taking care of crops more carefully.

When it seems all things can’t be perfect, the unthinkable happened: rain that should have arrived a month ago didn’t show signs of showing up.and there are signs of drought. After knowing that, he started losing hope, but he still has some hope of getting water. From government sources, but due to the carelessness of some corrupt officials, the water got transferred to other industries. So the last of his hope would plummet, and he started getting worse and worse thoughts.After not getting much water, his crops, which he has cultivated with so much hope, will be ruined. After harvesting the last of the crops remaining, he has to pay for his son’s expenses and other expenses. After doing that, he doesn’t have much money left. By the time he redoes himself for next year, he starts to have hope that next year his field will be stolen by a loan shark. He will have no hope after that; he will start breaking down, and finally, he will try to end his life.

There are about 11,290 people involved in the farming sector (5207 farmers and 6083 agricultural laborers) who have committed suicide in India, accounting for 6.6 percent of the total suicide victims in the country. If this number is only part of India, then what about the rest of the rest of the world?


More than 700,000 people die due to suicide every year.

For every suicide, there are many more people who attempt suicide. 
Suicide is the fourth-leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds.
Ingestion of pesticides, hanging, and firearms are among the most common methods of suicide globally.

Only the data that is recorded shows that there are many more people who attempt suicide, and these people live among us. We don’t know how much a man is suffering from looking at his face; we can never know the situation of the people and what they are facing. Many people are suffering inside, and they don’t have anyone to share their worries with.

If you don’t want to be someone’s sunshine,. Don’t be their source of darkness.

Let’s talk about the people who look fine on the outside but are not. When someone is facing problems and has too much weight on their shoulders—the weight of their family, society, future, and work—they just can’t quit everything and go on a strike because they know how many people are relying on them. They can’t complain; they can’t run; they just try to endure and endure until the breaking point. They just want their loved ones to be happy, but some people can’t see their efforts and criticize them, making them look like their efforts were wasted.

About 44,713 daily wage earners (26.4%)—41,433 males and 3752 females—ended their lives in 2022. This figure is higher compared to 2021. When daily wage earners died by suicide, they accounted for 25.6 percent of the total victims.

Now let’s talk about what the major causes of suicide are.

  • Mental health problems
  • Bullying
  • Prejudice (race, gender, etc.)
  • Domestic violence—sexual and physical abuse
  • Grief
  • debts

Let’s discuss the reasons one by one.

Mental health problems are conditions in which they affect the mood, thinking, and behavior. Some illnesses are

1. Clinical depression is a mental health disorder characterized by a persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities causing significant impairment.
2. Anxiety disorder is a health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one’s daily life.
3. Bipolar disorder
4. Dementia
5. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
6. Schizophrenia
7. OCD
These are some mental illnesses.


It is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. It can happen to any person at any time and at any age. It can happen with or without any reason. If you are one of them or you see one of them, try to stop them. That won’t take much of your time, but your act can save someone’s life. Please be kind enough to help them.

Bullying can be done by anyone, but student bullying or school bullying is the worst thing that can happen to any student because it can destroy their confidence, future, and hope of life. If you can stop them, then they will be thankful to you because severe bullying can leave people with trauma and make them end their lives. Many female students get harassed by teachers, students, and staff in schools.and they can’t even tell anyone because they don’t want to face shame. Due to these things, many girls got raped, and after that, they committed suicide.

The record shows 13089 students died by suicide. It’s not only because of bullying; there are many other reasons for that.

Many people can’t even end their own lives because someone is relying on them. They want them to suffer, but they are suffering in silence, so be kind enough to extend a hand to anyone who is distressed. At least you can give them two minutes of your life. Maybe those 2 minutes can make someone’s day or life better.


People get isolated due to differences in speech, minority gender, state country color, etc. And they face much criticism without having done any wrong. It is a problem that can’t be solved. If some illegal things happened there, then the blame would go to them. The first suspect would then have many problems, and they could go into depression. If a woman gets a job, they will often get criticized and judged by society, and they will be treated as if they are having an affair outside. There are many cases like that, and these can lead to domestic violence.


In modern times, people have nothing to do but judge or pass judgment. It’s because they don’t have anything to do and think that the internet belongs to their father, so they can do as they want. They always try to pass judgment without knowing anything about the matter. They always gang up on people and force them into corners. If they did it to the person who deserves it, then it is good, but many innocent people get swept up by it. Then, many anonymous people send death threats to people on social media, thinking they are doing the right thing. Many people take advantage of these people to gain an advantage and suppress the weak party. There are many cases like these on the internet. If you are a human, then you must have a brain, and you should use that to be calm and decide what is right and wrong. Your innocent opinion can cost someone their life. If the person who is doing this kind of thing falls victim to cyberbullying, then they will find that it is so painful, and they will know how people’s opinions can affect their lives.

There are many famous stars who fell victim to this type of bullying and suffered.

Domestic violence (sexual and physical abuse).

In many houses, many women and children face domestic violence in many backward places. It is common, but due to this, many people suffer from trauma inferiority complex, PTSD, stress, and depression, and this can lead them to hang themselves. Even after the abuse stops, people have trauma related to it. Sexual violence has ruined many women’s lives and confidence. People are so cruel that they don’t even spare small children; they should be locked in prison.


people who lost their loved ones, like their partner, parents, family members, or a person close to them, feel lonely. After losing them, they isolate themselves, which can lead to mental illness.

There was a girl who lost her parents in a car accident. She was then transferred to an orphanage. She should have been lonely and sad, but no one was there to care for her. But after some years, she graduated, got a job, and is trying to lead a good life. But her boyfriend, who was with her from the beginning, took advantage of her beliefs, took loans and all the money she had, and ran away. After feeling betrayed, she jumped from a building. It was a story I read somewhere, but there are also these kinds of people in this world. 
Many old people also lose hope when they don’t find any family members around them.


many people end their lives when their hard-earned money and company go bankrupt.


These are some of the major reasons for suicide. Suicide is not always done by one’s own violation, but sometimes it can be forced. Many people force innocent people to commit suicide because they don’t care about them or because they find it insulting that the person is earning more than them. If you have some free time, you can help them, because your help can be a turning point for them. It’s not like they don’t know how to do their work or that depression is bad for the mind, but they don’t know the meaning sometimes, or they overwork to forget their goals. But your help can save them. Just try to be kind enough to spare yourself some time; it might save someone’s life. People are suffering inside. If you are also suffering, then you can go for a walk and talk to some wise person, or maybe you can read a good book or watch some movies. Life doesn’t end with failure. You have to learn from failure and bounce back.

If your participation can make any difference, then you should always be there because your efforts will never go to waste.

Be happy and don’t feel burdened because human life is all about ups and downs. With failure, you can learn, and with success, you can earn.

