Taught My Chihuahua To Lie Down Without Luring Or Punishment!

As the disabled owner of a small-breed dog, I knew I needed to figure out an accessible, ethical method


I felt incredibly disheartened by Google results after entering the following search phrase: “how to teach a small dog to lie down.”

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

In the past, I successfully used the lure-reward method to teach my previous dogs to lie down on cue.

Then I had a relapse. My drop foot plus general lower limb spasticity worsened.

I will be honest, some search results upset me because there were many that were grammatically incorrect

I cringed when my search retrieved videos and blogs titled “teaching a small dog to lay down”

Beyond the grammar gaffes, what truly disturbed me were the results suggesting handlers contort their own bodies to lure a small dog into the desired final position.

“Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you. Bend your left leg upward to form a triangle”

“Try getting even lower, lay on the ground so you are very low…



Nanette Lai, MA (Biomedical Anthropology)
Write A Catalyst

Professional Dog Trainer with multiple sclerosis. Advocate for accessibility + animal welfare. I have a weird sense of humour which I inject into my writing