Thanks, Medium for my exciting start

Denis Sab
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2024
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

I recently started writing on the Medium platform, and since then my life has become extremely exciting.

At first, I thought it would be just a simple place to write down my thoughts, but over time it quickly became a passion that helped me grow both personally and professionally.

Before I discovered Medium, I would occasionally write or compose short stories just for myself. But publishing my articles on this platform was a big step forward.

For the first time in my life I was able to share my words with a real audience, receiving valuable comments from readers from all over the world, it is a big and very beautiful community here.

Every article published has been a challenge for me whether it was finding the right subject formulating ideas clearly or simply overcoming my fear of showing my thoughts in a public space.

But after each post, I felt a wonderful satisfaction knowing that I managed to communicate a part of myself to other people.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Beyond what I wrote what fascinated me the most was interacting with people in this great Medium community. Their comments appreciation and even criticisms helped me to develop continuously. I learned to listen to readers, be open to new topics, and constantly progress.

I read the stories of people with completely different experiences than mine and it helped me to broaden my goals and become more empathetic and understanding.

As I continue on this writing path I feel grateful for the opportunity Medium has provided. This platform is not only a place to express my words it is also a friend who taught me the value of perseverance and relationships with people through writing.

As some of you know my account was cloned the other day, as I promised I am back now and say that I received a reply from the Medium team, informing me that that account was stopped, and my account was not affected.

Once again thank you for the support and encouragement to everyone who was with me in those moments with advice and I’m glad that it was resolved well.

That is why I also advise that if you notice this report it to the support team and it will be resolved.

So once again I want to thank you Medium, for giving me such an interesting and beautiful start in this world of words.

I can’t wait to see what other adventures await me on my writing journey. Thanks for reading!

