The 10-Minute Morning Habit That Changes Everything. Here’s How

Start your mornings with mindfulness.

Ghulam Rasool
Write A Catalyst
3 min readFeb 8, 2024


An anime-guy male in a red hoodie doing meditation in a quite room with closed eyes
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A lot of us wake up in a rush each morning, checking our phones, thinking about to-do lists, or even sometimes skipping breakfast because we think there’s not enough time for that.

That was literally me every morning until one day I found a simple 10-minute practice that changed everything.

It’s not like a magic trick or a big secret, it’s just about starting your day with mindfulness.

YES… You heard that right!

Find Time for Yourself

An anime-guy sitting outside in a red hoodie peacefully
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Now, the first thing to remember is everyone has 10 minutes, you spend that time either by waking up late or checking your phone right away… but those 10 minutes are there for you.

I remember I used to start my morning going directly into emails and social media which made my mornings really stressful and I knew that something was wrong.

I wanted to get rid of this bad habit, that dopamine spike right after waking up was one of the reasons I used to procrastinate and delay my work by just simply wasting my time on Instagram or Facebook.

Then, I finally decided to change this habit and try something new…

I started with mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness Meditation

Just 10 minutes right after waking up. You can sit on your bed or a chair. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and focus on your breath. Thoughts will come and go. That’s okay. Just gently bring your focus back to your breathing.

It sounded too simple at first to make a difference, but it did.

Now daily, I start my day with 10 minutes of quiet and calm meditation, I feel more relaxed, focused, and energetic. My mornings become slower and I feel like now I have enough time to start my work.

With meditation, you spend some time with yourself before facing the world.

Which gives you motivation, and a feeling of small achievement to start your day.

How You Can Start

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You don’t need anything special to start. Just find a quiet spot, it can be a gallery, a quiet room, or anything where outside noise doesn’t interrupt you, then set a timer for 10 minutes.

Sit comfortably and focus on your breath deeply.

Some days it’ll be easy. On other days, your mind might get lost, which is completely normal. You just have to keep at it.

Show consistency for at least 22 days. So, it becomes your habit.

Over time, You will find how this small practice can bring big changes to your mornings and your life. It all starts with just a little bit of quiet time for yourself. ❤

Thank you for reading… < 3

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Ghulam Rasool
Write A Catalyst

18, I love to write on health, weatlh, relationships, diet, marketing and much more. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️