The 3 Frightening Things That Happen When the Narcissists Mask Falls Off

Expect This Weird Reaction When a Narcissist Is Exposed Publicly

Honor Payne
Write A Catalyst


Woman with a mask
Photo by Miapowterr Courtesy of Pixabay

Narcissists aren’t invincible, and sometimes their mask falls off in public for everyone to see.

They might lose it at a huge party, or news of their affairs spread, and everyone finds out about it.

The Victim

When a narcissist exposes themselves, they will go into victim mode.

They will get very depressed, and might not be able to do anything at all.

The narcissist might be reduced to walking around in their pyjamas and refusing to wash for a long time.

They might binge on takeout, refusing to cook or eat healthily.

This can be particularly draining if the narcissist is usually responsible for looking after half of everything.

You could find yourself burdened with doing everything almost overnight.

They will promise you that you could never understand, as their suffering is so much worse than what anyone has ever experienced in the history of mankind.

A vulnerable narcissist may get stuck here; that is, they might live out the rest of their lives at this…

