The 3-Step Framework That Will Make Your Writing Go Viral

Ismael Adekunle
Write A Catalyst
Published in
5 min readSep 11, 2024

Create powerful content that resonates with your Audience

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Staring at a blank screen is a writer’s worst nightmare, especially when relying solely on inspiration.

Even worse is spending hours writing, only to find your content disjointed and readers losing interest. Writing doesn’t have to be a struggle. Dakota Robertson’s 3-step framework helped him grow from zero to over 260,000 followers on Twitter by creating viral content effortlessly. It’s like having a cheat code for content creation.

This framework doesn’t just help you write faster; it kills writer’s block and lets you easily create a whole month’s worth of content.

Introducing the what, why, how framework

Dakota Robertson uses a simple yet powerful 3-step framework called the What, Why, and How to craft engaging content. This method can transform your writing, making it more compelling.

1. What: This step covers the essential facts and concepts your target audience needs to understand. Ask yourself: What does my audience need to know to apply this information? Focus on what’s relevant to avoid overwhelming your readers.

2. Why: This part answers the critical question: Why is this information important to the audience? If your audience doesn’t understand why something matters, they’re more likely to forget it. Our brains filter out irrelevant information, so showing how the knowledge connects to the audience’s life or goals is crucial.

3. How: Finally, explain how the knowledge can be applied to achieve a specific outcome. Knowledge without application is quickly forgotten. Outline the steps or processes needed to apply the information.

If precise steps aren’t possible, offer tips, recommendations, practical examples, case studies, actionable frameworks, tools and resources, potential pitfalls, and various contexts where the information can be useful.

How to create content for a month

Reflect on your own life and apply the 2-year test.

This 2-year test framework encourages you to create content for an audience two years behind you. Ask yourself: what have you accomplished in the past two years that you can teach others? Even recent experiences from the past two months, weeks, or days can be valuable lessons to share. For instance, if you have five essential habits in your morning routine, use the What, Why, and How framework to break down one of them.

Clearly explain what the habit is, why it’s important, and how someone can incorporate it into their life.

This helps your audience understand the habit, see its value, and know precisely how to apply it in their own routine.

The focus should be on generating actionable content because that’s what people care about. They’re always wondering, “What’s in it for me?” So, it’s important to make it practical and engaging. The most impactful content often involves stories of transformation, like going from broke to millionaire or unfit to healthy.

You can find transformation moments in almost any story — highlight how the person changed and deliver actionable advice in tweets, threads, or whatever format works best in your niche.

Diagram by Ismael Adekunle

Applying the what, why, how framework

I’m passionate about exercise and reading non-fiction books, and I’m also trying to encourage my wife to embrace these habits. I believe I can make a stronger case using the What, Why, and How framework.

Here are two concrete examples of how to create persuasive arguments by answering three key questions:

1. Convincing someone to start a daily exercise routine

  • What is the main idea?

Daily exercise is crucial for long-term health and well-being.

  • Why should the reader care?

Regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic diseases, boosts mental health, and improves quality of life. Without it, you risk facing health issues that could diminish your enjoyment of life.

  • How can the reader take action?

Follow these six steps to start and maintain a daily exercise routine:

  1. Pick an Activity You Like: Choose something enjoyable, like walking, stretching, or dancing.
  2. Start with 10 Minutes a Day: Commit to just 10 minutes of activity daily.
  3. Do It at the Same Time Daily: Choose a consistent time — morning, lunch, or evening — and stick to it.
  4. Slowly Increase Duration: After a week or two, add a few more minutes or make the activity slightly more challenging.
  5. Track Your Progress: Record your daily activity to monitor your progress.
  6. Stay Consistent but Vary Your Routine: Keep up with your routine, but change activities if you get bored.
Diagram by Ismael Adekunle

2. Persuading someone to read more books

  • What is the main idea?

Reading regularly can significantly improve your knowledge and skills.

  • Why should the reader care?

Books are a rich source of wisdom and insights that can enhance your personal and professional life. Reading broadens your perspective, sharpens your mind, and solves challenges.

  • How can the reader take action?

Use these steps to incorporate daily reading into your routine:

  1. Pick a Book or Audiobook You Like: Select a book or audiobook that interests you.
  2. Read 10 Pages or listen to 30 minutes of Audiobook Every Day: Commit to reading just ten pages or listen to 30 minutes of audio daily.
  3. Carry Your Book or Phone (that includes the audiobook) with You: Keep your book handy during downtime.
  4. Read During Free Moments: Use free time to read or listen before bed or during commutes.
  5. Track Your Reading: Monitor your progress in a notebook or app (use Kindle or Audible app).
  6. Mix It Up if Needed: If you get bored, switch books or set new reading goals to keep it engaging.
Diagram by Ismael Adekunle

Parting words

The What, Why, How framework simplifies writing by organizing your thoughts in a clear, structured manner.

It helps transfer your knowledge to your audience effectively, making complex ideas easier to understand and apply.

By using this framework, writing can become a more routine and effortless process.

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Ismael Adekunle
Write A Catalyst

Ghostwriter | public speaker | Entrepreneur. Reach me: 📩 or