The 3 Terrifying Factors That Make a Narcissist Want to Abuse You: The Shocking Truth EXPOSED

Get into the Mind of a Narcissist and Discover Their Darkest Secrets

Honor Payne
Write A Catalyst


Rose mind
AI Photo Generated by NickyPe Courtesy of Pixabay

Three components in a narcissist’s psyche make them want to abuse people.

These attributes also contribute to the way a narcissist is unable to deal with their shame and why they can’t do away with the false self.

Burying The Shame

People who are abusers carry a lot of shame; we know that the narcissist’s ego is very fragile because of this underlying shame.

This shame comes from the abuse they suffered from their parents which gave them complex trauma.

The child then concludes that they don’t deserve to be loved and that the abuse is their fault, and they deserve it because they must be a terrible person. This creates a completely negative sense of identity for the child.

Overcompensation and the Beginning of Abuse

This is a lot of negative emotion for anyone to deal with, so the child overcompensates as a coping mechanism for the abuse by believing that they are better than everybody.

