The Art of Paying Attention

Success Through Mindful Focus

Mr Nobody
Write A Catalyst


Photo by Ryan Tauss on Unsplash

Listen, I know how crazy this is going to sound, but the other day, I was getting some work done outside at a park, and I swear I heard a mourning dove.

If you’re not from North America or didn’t grow up there, this might seem like nothing, but trust me, it’s a huge deal.

The mourning dove's call instantly transports me back to my childhood — slow summer mornings, running through sprinklers, eating cheese puffs with pruney fingers, and lying on my back staring at the clouds.

It’s a sound that seemed so abundant back then, but lately, I don’t really hear it anymore.

If you search “childhood bird” on TikTok, you’ll see an endless stream of people mourning the loss of childhood and the nostalgia tied to it.

The Disappearing Dove

The world has changed a lot since those days.

I used to have to think about how to spend my time and what to focus on.

Once I did, that was the only thing that mattered.

Now, it almost feels like someone else is choosing for me.

I feel like I have no control over what I pay attention to, and often, I’m paying attention to ten things at once.

