The Completeness Principle: Realizing the Strength of Finishing What You Start

Azeez Ajibade
Write A Catalyst
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2024

I've learned the great importance of finishing what you start, even in a culture that frequently exalts the excitement of fresh starts. The real magic comes on the path from inception to completion, therefore making the commitment to see your project through to completion can make all the difference in your goal-achieving. Let's explore how accepting completeness may have a transforming effect.

The Strength of Persistence
While it is thrilling to begin a project, the true joy comes from seeing it through to completion. I've discovered that concentrating on finishing projects increases confidence and establishes a successful track record. Every completed project serves as a monument to commitment and tenacity, paving the way for even bigger successes.

Practical Tips for Finishing Strong

1. Clearly define your objectives and timelines
Clearly define your goals and set reasonable timelines. This gives you a road map for your journey and creates a sense of urgency that motivates you to remain dedicated and focused.

2. Break it down
Big jobs might be too much to handle. Divide them into more manageable, smaller steps. Reward yourself for finishing each stage as a win since it will motivate you to keep going.

3. Set Task Priorities
Not every assignment is made equally. Determine which project components are most important, then focus on them first. Setting priorities makes guarantees that the important things get done first, especially in the face of unforeseen difficulties.

4. Reduce distractions
Reduce the number of distractions in the workplace to foster concentration. Disable pointless alerts, set up certain time slots for work, and let everyone around you know that you require unbroken concentration.

5. Partnerships for Accountability
Tell a friend or coworker about your objectives so they can hold you responsible. Mutual support and regular check-ins might give you the drive you need to overcome obstacles and finish the race.

6. Evaluate Your Progress
Evaluate your development on a regular basis. Honor successes, take lessons from failures, and modify your strategy as necessary. By engaging in this reflective activity, you may stay focused on your goals and make improvements over time.

The Satisfaction of Finality
I've seen an incredible change in my personal and professional lives as I've moved my emphasis from being only a starter to accepting the identity of a finisher. The fulfillment I get from finishing projects has turned into a motivating factor that gives me the courage to embark on new objectives.

Being a finisher is facing obstacles head-on and pushing through until the task is completed, not about avoiding failure. Through this process of finishing what I set out to do, I've learned that the real test of success is not only starting things but also having the commitment to see them through to the conclusion.

So let's resolve to be finishers, fellow achievers. Let's enjoy the delicious taste of accomplishment that results from finishing what we begin—a path full of obstacles, successes, and the indisputable satisfaction that goes along with mastering the art of completion.

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Thanks for reading 👍!



Azeez Ajibade
Write A Catalyst

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