The Disadvantages I Face As A Writer

Tanisha Tiwari
Write A Catalyst
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2024


The ask is what you are willing to pay for being a writer.

Source: Pinterest

You are a writer if you write. No other degree, no trophy and no award is required to call yourself a writer. How good or bad is what I would not go into here!

When you call yourself a writer in front of anyone, majorly there are two questions: 1- Have you written any book yet? 2- What do you write about?

And these two questions are the real problems.

People do not consider you a writer if you have not written a book.

They won’t believe you are a writer if you have not been writing for five years or more.

I have seen writers who are extremely talented getting rejected in a job because they do not have experience. This probably happens in every job but building a writing career takes a lot more than all those combined.

What people do not understand is, writing does not come easy. You can’t master a formula or learn a theoram and excel in writing. It is craft and you have to sweat to excel in it.

It is not about how much hours you put into your writing but what you write in even two seconds.

You can stare at a blank screen for days and you will not be able to make it to a sentence.

But who do you speak to when this happens? Nobody!

This is the exact number of people who do support you when you call yourself a writer.

For most writers, one of the most common disadvantage is lack of support.

Nobody is telling you how to conquer over the writer’s block. The disadvanage here is, you are not able to complete one-page assignment in a week. You can say it’s just a part of the process only when you have no idea how frustrating this is, to get up everyday, think about that one sentence but not be able to put it on papers with the right word.

I have been trying to start the first chapter of my next book for past two months but I have not even made it to one sentence yet. This is exactly how cruel your writing career could be but all you can do is deal with it. Why? Because the hunger is more satisfying than the outcome. The only trick to not die starving is being positive and trying every day.

I know writing has several disadvantages and I am facing it all along with other writers but we can all do together is stand upfront while it all pass through.



Tanisha Tiwari
Write A Catalyst

Content Manager For The Government Of India, Author, and Everything I Would Want To Call Myself